IOTTT members got published in IJOT!

IOTTT members Dr. Sureshkumar Kamalakannan, Mr. Manigandan Chockalingam, & Ms. Shobana Devi Moorthy, & Dr. Karthik Mani got published in the Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 

Here are the links to their articles:

Occupational Therapy for Reducing Disabilities in Persons with Disabilities in India: A Systematic Review -;year=2021;volume=53;issue=1;spage=4;epage=14;aulast=Kamalakannan

Scope of practice boundary violation in occupational therapy: An online survey of practitioners' perceptions in India -;year=2021;volume=53;issue=1;spage=15;epage=22;aulast=Mani


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