Saturday Night Chat with IOTTT!



Saturday Night Chat with IOTTT is a new initiative by the Think Tank to provide a virtual brainstorming platform for occupational therapy professionals (& post graduate students) in India to discuss professional issues. Each meeting will be focused on a topic/professional issue. Interested professionals shall join and voice out their opinions/ideas/suggestions in a professional and polite manner. 


  • An opportunity for participants to share and learn new ideas related to a professional issue that influencing their day-to-day practice
  • An opportunity to identify potential solutions for problems and generate innovative ideas through deliberation
  • A safe platform to share ideas without being judged
  • A great learning opportunity 

Rules & Etiquettes

  • Registration via Google Form is mandatory for participation
  • The meeting will strictly be one hour and start on time
  • An IOTTT member will moderate the meeting
  • Actively participate and stay on the topic under discussion
  • Come prepared with your ideas/opinions and narrate it clearly as possible
  • Respectfully disagree if you would like to disagree. Strictly avoid arguments!

Participtation in Saturday Night Chat sessions indicates participants voluntary consent to be recorded. Further, it also indicates their consent for the unedited audio and video to be analyzed and/or shared by IOTTT on its platforms as appropriate. 


Tentatively 4th Saturday of even months (Except December); 7-8 p.m. Date, time, and frequency are subject to change. A flyer will be circulated prior to each meeting. 


IOTTT will publish a flyer with details before each meeting. IOTTT will prepare a set of guiding questions to moderate the discussion. If you would like to suggest topics for brainstorming, please email them to 

What will IOTTT do with the information?

  • The entire meeting will be recorded and the link to the recording will be shared on IOTTT platforms as a resource for the OT community in India. 
  • IOTTT may develop useful resources/publications to benefit the OT community/OT stakeholders in India.

Disclaimer: Ideas/opinions/suggestions expressed by the participants in Saturday Night Chat sessions are their own and do not express the views of IOTTT. Listeners are advised to use their best judgment before implementing any ideas they learned from the session in real life practice. 


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