Telerehabilitation Guidelines for Occupational Therapists in India

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic has disrupted the occupational therapy (OT) practice in many parts of the world, including India. Practitioners resorted to telerehabilitation to ensure continued service delivery. Guidelines pertaining to telerehabilitation would be immensely helpful for practitioners as they embrace telerehabilitation to deliver OT services. Hence, to assist the OT community in India, the Indian Occupational Therapists Think Tank (IOTTT) has developed this document.

The guidelines identified in this document are intended for OT professionals in India who provide or envision providing services to their clients via telecommunication platforms. 

The following are the purposes of this document:

  1. To guide OT practitioners on how to provide services safely and effectively via telecommunication platforms.

  2. To inform OT practitioners on the factors that need attention when delivering services via telecommunication platforms.

  3. To make OT practitioners aware of the useful resources related to tele-occupational therapy.

To access the document, click here.


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