This is the official blog of the Indian Occupational Therapists Think Tank, a registered society under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act, 1975. (Registration No: SRG/Chennai South/658/2022)
Saturday Night Chat - Session 1- Manpower Shortage in OT
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IOTTT is glad to publish the recording of the first Saturday Night Chat session. Please watch and express your views in the comments section.
What is occupational therapy? Occupational therapy (OT) is an allied health profession. The word ‘occupation’ refers to all activities that we do in our daily life such as bathing, dressing, job or school related activities, play, hobby, etc. When a health problem affects a person’s ability to do daily activities, OT can help overcome the difficulties by improving his/her skills, learning a modified method, and/or modifying the environment. Some treatment tools used in OT include activities of daily living training, cognitive training, exercises, group therapy, hand therapy, home modification, play therapy, sensorimotor activities, splinting, and vocational training. Occupational therapy is suitable for patients of all age groups. This definition was developed by Indian Occupational Therapists Think Tank (IOTT) as a resource for occupational therapy (OT) practitioners and students in India. This definition may be used to explain OT to the general public. It was drafted by ...
Dear all, To educate stakeholders and overcome the issue of professional boundary violations due to the lack of awareness/clarity regarding the OT profession's scope of practice, the Indian OTs Think Tank (IOTT) group has drafted a scope of practice document with respect to the Indian context of practice. The group is soliciting public comments on the draft. Please review the draft and submit your comments in the comments section of this post. Only comments submitted here in response to this post on or before July 20, 2020 will be considered during the amendment process. Please write to if you have any questions.
The COVID-19 guidelines were developed to empower rehabilitation professionals providing services for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) in India during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is intended for use by the rehabilitation professionals working both in private and public sectors in India. These guidelines were published for the cause of public interest under creative commons 4 license and can be freely downloaded/circulated with appropriate attribution. To access and download the guidelines, click here .
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