Recent Publications from IOTTT Members

Journal Article:

Kamalakannan, S., Sethuraman, L., Chockalingam, M., Samuelkamaleshkumar, S., Moorthy, S. D., Srinivasan, M., Ramakrishnan, J., Muthuvel, T., & Mani, K. (2022). Exploring the research priorities for occupational therapy in India: A descriptive review. Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 54(2), 39-43. Available from:

Book Chapter:

Mani, K., & Rao, A. (2022). Role of occupational therapy in children with special needs. In N. Chattopadhyay (Ed), A paediatrician’s approach to a child with special needs (1st ed). IP Innovative Publication.

NB: IOTTT members have published more articles. However, this post only shows the ones when all the authors of the work belong to IOTTT.


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